Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Digital Stories

We went to the Victoria State Library last weekend. Mom had signed the kids up for the Sparky Stories event. I just tagged along not knowing or expecting much. The children were supposed to tell a story and make it into a DVD. They started by drawing (a plot) on paper and then recreating that on the computer. Phoebe's already a pro at drawing on the computer so she didn't really need much help. She did took sometime to figure out what story she wanted to tell. Ernest, on the other hand knew from the start what he wanted to talk about. Dinosaurs! His favorite subject. We had a great time, and plenty of excitement was generated when the whole family chipped in at making this production. In short, we walked out from the event feeling very pleased with ourselves. Then mom decided that we should all go shopping next...

Phoebe told a story about Santa on Christmas. It's a charming story with some action from Rudolf.

Ernest had a go at making his own digital story too. He started wanting to talk about dinosaurs at the beach, but ended up with a brave fish helping a wounded shark.

note: Thanks to the kind and patient staff at Experimedia, Terry and Mandy, who made it all possible.


CS & Pearl said...

very cute indeed :p
wee fuen and you speak to the kids in english at home? we tried to be bilingual to Ian but so far he is speaking 90% mandarin...we'll see when he goes to kindergarten next time.

David C. Ng said...

Actually we're trying to get them to speak in English. Their base language is Mandarin, but its spiced up with English and Japanese. Recently they are having fun adding in Cantonese, Spanish and Italian. Kids usually need a good grasp of one language first. Then they start to explore with other languages. Seems like Ian is off to a good start.